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List of exhibitions / Installations / Performances


a—s—t—r—a OPEN VOL, project «soft body of memory»

Winzavod, «What are you afraid of?», project «The room»

ArtMoscow, Gostiny Dvor, project «Flickering space»

CATALOG Art Fair, project «Flickering space»

«Visible non-visible», Peschanaya gallery, project «Flickering space»



«The Myth of the Mechanical Apple», Gallery of the Russian State Library for Young Adults (RSLYA), Moscow, Video «Living»

«Anthropoland», eco-exhibition, Nizniy Novgorod, project «Tiles/Living» 



Fabula Gallery, Moscow, Performance, installation «12»

Prosvet gallery, Moscow, «Poses of control», graphics

Critical Mass, Season 5, «Get Real!» exhibition,  St Petersburg, VR installation «Living Lyuda»

Open Studios, Winzavod, Moscow, VR Installation “Wide Thinker” 
Exhibition «Walls Help»

Elmat factory, Most festival, Kaluga, VR Installation “Wide Thinker”  

Boomer Gallery, London, Highlights First Edition, drawing series «faces»

Dobrolubova Library, Moscow, Show «Posttruism»,  Performance «12.Vol 2»



Serpentine Pavillion Augmented Architecture «Unimaginable Route» proposal

Describing Architecture , «Work in Process» exhibition, Mapestry project, City Assembly House, Dublin


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